Tax Resolution

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Tax Resolution Services

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Did you receive an IRS Notice regarding your tax return? Ignoring these notices will not make them go away. If you fail to provide a timely response to the IRS your case will move forward without you. We can help you provide the proper response to these notices, speak to the IRS on your behalf, and help you ensure you don’t pay more than you owe. If your case requires an interview with the IRS, we can go in your place in most cases.

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Some notice you may receive include:

  • CP2000 – The IRS generally issues this notice because they received information about income that was not reported on your return.  It explains thec hange the IRS proposes to your tax return.  These changes may also include a penalty or interest charge if you underpaid your taxes.  Don’t ignore this notice.
  • IRS Notice 3572 – This is a notice for an office audit.  The date for the audit meeting will be listed in the notice along with the items in question. We can represent you in the meeting, but you must contact us as soon as possible to arrange representation. If you ignore the notice, then all of the listed items will be disallowed from your return.
  • IRS Notice 2205-A – This is notice of field office. An IRS Revenue Agent will visit you at your business or home to conduct the audit.  The notice will include the date and when they plan to conduct the audit.  Contact us as soon as possible for representation.  We can generally get the audit moved to our office.  The Agent may still want to visit your business to verify items your return, but the audit can be conducted elsewhere.

Advanced Tax Services can represent you in any matter before the IRS.  If you have received a notice from the IRS you don’t understand or know you need help with, then we can help you.  We can help you with un-filed returns, IRS collections, and IRS audits. It is important to reach out as soon as possible to ensure you don’t miss any important IRS deadlines that would make it more difficult to resolve your case.  These matters can be complicated and stressful.  We can take care of the issues for you and help relieve the stress so you can do what you love.  Your initial consultation is free.

Enrolled agents (EAs) are America’s tax experts. EAs are the only federally-licensed tax practitioners who specialize in taxation and also have unlimited rights to represent taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service. This means they are unrestricted as to which taxpayers they can represent, what types of tax matters they can handle, and which IRS offices they can represent clients before. Unlike attorneys and CPAs, who may or may not choose to specialize in taxes, all enrolled agents specialize in taxation.

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We will stand for you before the IRS.

Call us at (972) 521-7800 or fill out the contact form for help.
