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Penalty Abatement

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IRS Penalty Abatement

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IRS penalties can add up quickly and bloat your tax debt.  Penalty abatement (or removal) processes allow some or all of the penalties to be eliminated from your account.  In some cases we may also be able to have  some penalties partially eliminated if they are the result of an un-filed return or other problem with the original tax assessment. Each case is different. During your free initial consultation an enrolled agent from advanced tax services will identify the alternatives for you.

Once you engage us to represent you with the IRS, then we will:

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Contact us today to get started. While it is possible to request penalty abatement on your own, we don’t recommend it for anyone owing a significant amount of penalties. Particular if you for more than one tax year. Expert analysis is required to identify the best combination of strategies to eliminate the most penalties possible. We look at the complete picture including what circumstances in your life may have led to a penalty in one year or if a year is your best candidate for a first time abatement. Contact us for help today.

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We will resolve your IRS collections issues.

Call us at (972) 521-7800 or fill out the contact form for help.


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