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IRS Collections

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Fight IRS Collections

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I am an IRS Enrolled Agent admitted to practice before the IRS.  I stand up to the IRS for you.  I can stop aggressive collection tactics.  together we will resolve your IRS collections issue. Contact me today to resolve your IRS collections problem.

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If the IRS believes you owe them taxes, penalty, and/or interest you are most likely experiencing some point of the IRS collection process. Once the IRS believes you owe them a debt the first notice they send os usually a CP 161 (informing you of a debt based on unpaid taxes) or a CP 16 (informing you that part of your refund was used to satisfy another tax debt). If you received one of these notices and are unsure how to proceed please contact us and we can help you through the process. If you received a notice in the CP 500 series (e.g. CP 501) your case is moving through the system and will end up with the collections division if you take no action. Once with the collection division you will start to see notices regarding enforcement actions being taken.

As you move through the collection process the IRS may issue a Notice of Federal Tax Lien.  This notice is filed with the state and local agency to secure their interest in your property among other creditors.  If you continue to leave the issues unresolved they will move on to enforced collections.  You will typically receive a Letter 1058, Letter 11, CP 90, or CP 297 indicating the IRS intends to levy some of your assetts.  It is possible to stop these enforcement actions, but you must contact us immediately. There is a limited time window to ensure all of your appeal rights remain intact. Contact us now for a free consultation.

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Resolving Collection Issues

Resolving IRS collections issues begins with understanding what led to the debt in the first place. If there is an urgent need to stop an impending levy or wage garnishment, we will start by taking the appropriate steps to stop the action. On all new collection engagements we will review your IRS transcripts and the notices you received to verify the debt has been properly calculated. This includes looking for opportunities to reduce penalties that may have been assessed.

Once we have established the amount owed we must determine if you can pay it.  If you can afford to pay of the debt now that may be your best course of action.  However, if you are unable to pay we will make sure you pay the least amount with the best payment terms possible.  During this phase we will determine your eligibility for opportunities to reduce the debt further like an offer in compromise or payment plan to reduce the burden. It is important to understand the impact that applying for these and other programs has on your situation.  Contact us to make sure you do not over pay or mistakenly extend the time the IRS has to collect your taxes.

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We will resolve your IRS collections issues.

Call us at (972) 521-7800 or fill out the contact form for help.


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